Are you READY to charge for your coaching? Let’s find out!
are you ready to take coaching to the next level?
Mindset Strategies to Thrive In Your Life Coaching Business
The path to success as a life coach must begin by adopting the right mindset and your mindset will influence your actions.
What to expect from your FIRST month training as a life coach
Nou Vang is ready to share what the exciting journey has been like so far towards becoming a Professional Certified level coach.
From Fear to Fulfillment as a New Life Coach
One of the beautiful things about becoming a life coach is you'll have the opportunity to develop a more positive relationship with your fear and use it to your advantage so it doesn't hijack your brain and try to take control of the drivers seat.
Sample Human Design Reading ✨
a sample of a human design reading done by a born to coach student
How to have fewer no-shows on sales calls
In this episode I'll share with you everything I did to dramatically reduce my "no-show" rate so now my calendar isn't filled up with people who aren't ready to: show up, commit and or do the work!
5 Signs Your Life Coaching Biz is about to take off
5 Signs Your Life Coaching Biz is about to take off
How I coached before coach training (and you probably are too!)
In this episode you'll learn how most coaches coach before going through coach training and the shocking results of what coaching usually sounds and feels like after graduating from an ICF accredited coach training program!
What are the Benefits of Being an ICF Certified Coach?
Earning your ICF credentials is one of the smartest moves you can make as a professional life coach!
EXACT STEPS I would take if starting my Life Coaching Business in 2023. (Learn from my mistakes!)
exact steps for starting a life coaching business in 2023
Market Your New Life Coaching Biz LIKE A BOSS in 2023!!!
5 ways you can market your life coaching biz
Dealing with Rejection as a Life Coach
In this video I talk about the deep Inner child work I’m currently doing to heal my emotional pain and hurt.
2 Signs Your Life Coaching Biz is Succeeding (before the big money!)
Check out the short video below where I share some tips and signs that will show you that you're coaching biz is already succeeding!
4 Basic Steps to A Successful Life Coaching Session
These are the 4 Basic Steps of a Successful Life Coaching Session