5 Signs Your Life Coaching Biz is about to take off

Here are 5 signs that your life coaching business is about to take off:

#1) Your desire to help people is greater than your fear of failure You get to decide if you're more committed to your fears or your passion of helping others. You can still be afraid and take action but you can't let the fear take over running your coaching biz.

#2)You believe in the power of life coaching It's really hard to sell coaching if you don't believe in your own service or not sure if it really works. One of the best things you can do is get your own life coach so you can experience the life changing magic of life coaching and then it will be so easy to speak about why you do what you do.

#3)You are comfortable with charging money, receiving money and selling your coaching If you have any weird energy or limiting beliefs about charging for your coaching, receiving money for your coaching or selling your coaching people will quickly feel it and it will be difficult for people to want to work with you. This is the kind of inner work you can do with your own personal life coach!

#4) People are starting to reach out to you asking for help If people are starting to reach out to you and asking for help then this is a good sign that you've been consistently showing up somewhere in-person or online and offering to help people. And people already see you as the expert and believe that you can help them solve a problem. Remember that people love hiring experts!

#5) You have an offer/program that helps to solve a specific problem and you've been able to prove that it can help get people results If you want to find new clients then you have to have some kind of coaching container to offer to people. Once you figure out the type of coaching program you want to offer then you can start running people through it for free to work out the kinks and prove that it works. Once you have testimonials then it will be easy to sell your program for the price you want!

Check out the video below where I talk more about each sign above!

P.S. If people are already reaching out to you and asking for help - we can teach you how to coach people professionally so you can make a bigger impact in other’s lives.  Check out our Level 2 ICF Accredited Born to Coach Training Academy here!  💖




Become a Certified Life Coach:
Enrollment is officially open for our Level 2 PCC Born to Coach™️ Training Academy. Click HERE to book your Coach Training Consult so you can learn how to coach at the professional level and earn your ICF credentials.

Mentor with Krista for 6 Months: If you’re ready for hands on support with getting your life coaching business set up and operating as quickly as possible so you’re ready to work with paying clients then book a consult with Krista

Download my FREEBIE - The Ultimate “Get Started” Checklist for New Life Coaches

Buy My Book - Beyond the White Picket Fence: This book is designed for the woman who’s ready to break away from the soul sucking career, the toxic relationships, and everyday decisions that are keeping her trapped. She’ll learn how to create her own definition of freedom and design a life on her own terms…

Hey There! I’m Krista

A Retired Nurse Turned Professional Certified Life Coach, Spiritual Business Mentor, Hypnotherapist, World Traveler, Author & Mama to Lincoln.

I was born to be a coach and live a life beyond the white picket fence. I was never designed to struggle through a 9-5 job and sell my soul to the devil.

Now I work with heart-centered humans all over the world showing them how to become life coaches and start their own online businesses.

Hopefully one day I’ll get to work with you inside one of my coaching programs too. Because you deserve to have a life and career that brings you the ultimate freedom and flexibility so you can do the work you were born to do.


Krista Kathleen, PCC


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