ICF Accredited professional coach certification

Become a certified life coach online with the ICF-accredited Born to Coach® Training Academy where you will learn how to change lives through the art of life coaching.


The Born to coach® Mission: the be the Best Icf Accredited Life Coaching Program.

Our mission is to guide and equip aspiring life coaches with the skills, tools, and confidence they need to inspire transformation and healing. We are dedicated to offering holistic, soul-centered & evidence-based training that nurtures both personal and professional growth. Through our programs, we strive to cultivate a global community of spiritually awakened coaches who empower others to live authentically, align with their higher purpose, and realize their full potential.

Life coach studying online with ICF accredited certification program resources in a book

What this program Is all about… ICF accredited life coaching programs online


Do you have these signs you are meant to be a Life Coach?

  • You’ve overcome challenging events in life and now you’re ready to turn your pain into purpose and help empower others to navigate their greatest obstacles

  • You’re in a service helping profession (therapist, dietitian, nurse, social worker, teacher…etc.) and you want to keep helping people and make good money without working long stressful hours and burning out

  • You’re a busy stay-at-home parent who wants the choice to take care of your family while making a meaningful income from home

  • You’re a health and wellness enthusiast (yoga instructor, personal trainer, massage therapist…etc.) and you want to learn how to create your own health programs combined with life coaching for your clients

  • You have a chronic illness or disability and want to be able to make an abundant living while taking care of your body’s needs

  • You’re a psychic empath & healer and want to learn how to use your natural intuitive gifts to make people feel better

  • You’ve been thinking about switching careers but don’t want to put yourself into thousands of dollars worth of debt by getting another degree

  • You love to travel and want to be able to work online with clients and make money from anywhere in the world

  • You’re a corporate professional who wants to add leadership and coaching skills into your current role so you can more effectively manage a team

  • You want the opportunity to work as a part time or full time coach for companies like Better Up, Sphere, Noom…etc. that require ICF credentials to be eligible to apply

If any of the above describes you….

then our Icf Accreditited Life Coach program is for you!


Hey,I’m Krista

Your Lead Trainer, CEO & Founder.

Just like you, I am a life coach & entrepreneur.

Before I transformed into a life coach 8 years ago I was a burnt-out nurse and miserable military wife. After a tragic series of events of losing my job and my marriage all in the same week I realized that the Universe had given me a beautiful gift to start over again at 30 years old so I could fulfill my life purpose in a bigger way.

My first task was to hire a life coach to help me figure my sh*t out. After gaining clarity that I too wanted to be a full time life coach, I enrolled in an ICF accredited coach training program that catapulted my coaching career.

Quickly after earning my ICF credentials I began to work as a coach trainer and mentored hundreds of personal clients to become life coaches and start successful coaching businesses. So starting my own ICF Accredited Life Coaching Training program became the obvious next, right step.

I know the degree of grit, guts, and gumption it takes to follow your passions and turn them into a profitable career that supports your lifestyle, your dreams, and your soul. I’m here to make that journey as rewarding as I can for you. In other words, I want to be the resource for you that I needed all of those years ago when first starting out as an eager life coach ready to change the world.

My Experience:

  • 💖 Retired Labor & Delivery Nurse

  • 💖 PCC Level Coach of 8 years

  • 💖 Currently training to become an MCC level coach

  • 💖 Member of the St. Louis ICF Charter Chapter

  • 💖 10,000 subscribers on YouTube + 400,000 views

  • 💖 Self Published Author (check out my book: Beyond the White Picket Fence on Amazon!)

  • 💖 Level 3 Reiki Master

  • 💖 Certified Hypnotherapist

  • 💖 Yoga & Meditation Instructor

  • 💖 Lived abroad and traveled to 50 countries

  • 💖 Had a home birth and now mama to a 4 year old boy

  • 💖 Working towards conceiving my next baby and becoming a single mom by choice

Meet Your Team

  • Malinda Norris, PCC


    Malinda will be observing your peer coaching sessions and giving you feedback on how to improve your coaching skills so you can learn how to quickly coach at the PCC level

  • Valerie Van Ginhoven, ACC

    Support Coach

    You’ll be receiving personalized life coaching sessions with Valerie every month so you can experience working 1:1 with your own life coach while making progress on your personal and business goals during the program

  • Mary & Laicy

    Astrology Coaches

    You’ll have your birth chart reading performed by Mary & Lacy so you can understand what your unique life purpose is on this earth, the most successful way to run your life coaching biz, whom your best meant to serve on this planet and all your big important life & biz answers clarified

  • Yasmin Ahmad

    Book Club & Alumni Coordinator

    Yasmin will lead you in our online coaching book club so you can engage in ongoing learning and development as a coach. And once you become an BTCTA alumni, Yasmin will keep you in the loop with our alumni activities so you can stay connected with the other graduates.

The Born to coach® Approach: 

Confidence in Coaching- We strongly feel when you 100% believe in your coaching skills and earn an ICF credential behind your name - this will give you the professional confidence and integrity to visibly put yourself out into the world and share your coaching gifts with others.

Business, Marketing & Sales - If you don’t have clients then it’s hard to coach, make money and create an impact. We teach you how to find paying coaching clients and run your coaching business using our Intuitive Marketing and Spiritual Sales method. Running your business this way will honor your higher calling & ultimate purpose in life leaving you feeling fulfilled and motivated each day to accomplish your vision.

Spiritual Intuitive Development- You’ll learn how to tap into your natural intuitive abilities & deepen your own daily spiritual practice so you can use your gifts to create a transformational shift in your life and share your spiritual tools with clients too. This will greatly benefit you from growing your coaching biz, helping clients, healing energetic blocks, and making empowered decisions for yourself.

 What You’ll learn:

Our Learning Philosophy

1. Practice coaching in real time is the best way to learn how to coach: We believe the sooner you start coaching real humans, the more confident you’ll be in your coaching skillset. Each semester you will be matched with a peer coach and will have weekly opportunities to practice being a coach and a client so you can implement the new materials you’re learning in class.

2. Students need timely feedback to improve: In the Observed Peer Coaching Calls you will have an opportunity to practice your coaching skills in a safe setting with verbal & written feedback from a PCC Mentor Coach. You will also have 2 private ICF mentoring calls with a PCC Mentor Coach where they will listen and review your recorded coaching sessions together so you’ll know what skills to develop moving forward in order to best serve your clients.

3. Students need access to up-to-date best proven coaching practices: In our program you will have access to weekly video modules & quiz questions with downloadable workbooks that will teach you the 8 International Coaching Federation (ICF) updated core competencies and will prepare you for the ICF Credentialing Exam. All of our curriculum has been co-designed with adult education specialists so you can learn in a way that doesn’t overwhelm your brain!

4. Cohort Based Learning: Only 40 students are invited into the program each year to give you the individualized attention and live weekly support needed from a trainer when learning a new skillset.

5.Interactive Engagement in Learning: Science shows us that interactive engagement methods lead to better student learning gains than traditional transmission-mode methods. Every week you will attend live zoom group coaching calls and interact face-to-face via video with the coach trainer and other students through our discussion-based sessions. You’ll get to ask questions, provide input, and bring coaching requests so all of your training needs are met!

In our program you Can…

  • Learn at your own pace and complete the program anywhere between 6 - 12 months

  • Learn how to ethically & safely provide coaching to clients using the ICF structure & methodologies

  • Start coaching & making money right away

  • Be actually working with clients instead of thinking about working with them

  • Feel good and excited to sell your coaching programs for $3,000 - $5,000 or more

  • Have direction, clarity, support & accountability that walks you through the toughest parts of starting a new coaching biz

  • Join a passionate and supportive community of like-minded coaches across the world

  • Have an ICF accredited life coach guiding you throughout the entire program

Modules & Lessons

Semester 1: Becoming a Transformational Coach

  • As you step into your role as a professional life coach we will explore the expectations & boundaries of your life coaching job description. By understanding these expectations, you will be equipped to confidently articulate to your clients how you can best support them.

    In this module you'll learn:

    • About the history of where life coaching originated from

    • To define what life coaching is and what life coaching is not

    • An understanding of whom is best suited to work with a life coach

    • An understanding of why people hire personal life coaches

    • What types of professional life coaching exists today

  • We will delve into the significance of adhering to the ICF's Code of Ethics. Understanding and upholding these ethical guidelines is crucial for maintaining your role as a professional certified coach and avoiding crossing over into the realm of therapy.

    These ethics serve as invaluable tools when navigating unforeseen challenges with your coaching clients. They equip you with the ability to address unexpected issues effectively and guide you in finding resolutions to dilemmas and solutions to problems.

    In this module you'l learn:

    • Awareness of typical ethical complaints reported to the ICF

    • The 4 sections of the ethical standards within the ICF Code of Ethics

    • Knowing when and how to refer a client to therapy

    • Understanding what differentiates coaching from other types of professional services such as therapy, consulting, teacher, mentoring…etc.

  • You will develop a 'coaching mindset' characterized by openness, curiosity, flexibility, and client-centeredness. This mindset will shape how you perceive your clients and determine the types of questions you pose during coaching sessions

    In this module you'll learn:

    • What a coaching mindset is and how to embody it throughout the coaching session

    • The 8 subtopics of the ICF Core Competency: Embodies a Coaching Mindset

    • How to use your intuition during a coaching session to benefit your clients breakthroughs

    • How to manage your emotions “as the coach” so they don’t distract from the focus of the client

  • You'll learn how to create a clear and comprehensive coaching agreement before commencing the coaching relationship and creating new coaching agreements within each session. This proactive approach ensures alignment between you and your client, minimizes misunderstandings, and establishes healthy boundaries from the outset.

    In this module you'll learn:

    • How to form a complete and clear coaching agreement for the overall coaching engagement and within each coaching session

    • The importance of setting boundaries with the client so they understand what is and isn’t being offered in a coaching container and what they are responsible for as client

    • The 11 subtopics of how to form the coaching agreement according to the ICF

    • Listen to a demo on the best and worst way to form a coaching agreement with the client

  • Establishing an environment of trust and safety is essential in facilitating our clients' ability to open up and derive the utmost benefit from the coaching process. Without feeling valued, acknowledged, and seen by their coach, clients may struggle to express themselves fully, hindering the exploration of the underlying issues that prompted their engagement in coaching.

    In this module, you will learn:

    • How to fully support the client’s feelings and self expression during the coaching session

    • The essential elements to create the groundwork of trust and safety within the coaching relationship

    • The consequences of what can happen when our clients don’t feel safe when working with us

    • Listen to a demo on best and worst way to cultivate trust and safety with the client

  • In this module we will emphasize the importance of being present, actively listening to the client, and cultivating curiosity about both their words and their identity. Our goal is for you to actively engage with the client, inviting their input to tailor the coaching session accordingly. Additionally, we aim to equip you with the ability to stay grounded and confident, especially when navigating and addressing client emotions.

    In this module you'll learn:

    • What it looks like to bring a curious mindset into each coaching session

    • How to manage your emotions that may come up during a client session

    • How to support the client when strong client emotions arise during the session

    • The importance of building in space, silence and reflection into the coaching sessions

    • How to work within a space of not knowing what the client’s outcomes will be

    • Listen to a demo of the best and worst way to be present during the coaching session

  • Good active listening skills are vital in transformational coaching. It's a gift to our clients to deeply listen to their biggest hopes, dreams & desires. We'll enhance your listening skills in this module to help your clients feel seen and heard.

    In this module you'll learn:

    • How a client’s context, identity, environment, experiences, values and beliefs will impact their experience in the coaching session

    • How to succinctly summarize what the client is saying to ensure understanding

    • How to use the client’s words to formulate powerful questions

    • How to explore the client’s emotions on a deeper level in a safe trust-building approach

    • To recognize when there is more to what the client ISN’T saying and how to bring it up in conversation

    • How to pay attention to trends and patterns in what the client is bringing to across the coaching sessions

    • Listen to a demo of best and worst way to actively listen

  • In this module, we aim to equip you with the skills to formulate impactful open-ended coaching questions. These questions serve as catalysts, prompting clients to explore new perspectives and gain deeper insights into themselves and their situations. Through this process, clients can begin to identify actionable steps towards the changes they desire in their lives.

    In this module you'll learn:

    • The importance of creating new awareness in a coaching session and why it's the first step that must happen before someone can make permanent changes in their life

    • Learn the additional coaching skills needed to evoke awareness for a client in addition to asking powerful coaching questions

    • 9 best practices for asking great coaching questions

    • Listen to a demo of best and worst way to evoke new awareness

  • By the end of each coaching session you'll help your clients design post-session reflections and actions, enabling them to become autonomous and creating ownership with their life decisions so they can confidently move forward with creating their best life ever.

    In this module you'll learn:

    • The difference between an ACC and PCC level coach with designing actions

    • How to create an accountability plan that results in the client becoming self reliant

    • How to address new growth and awareness within each coaching session and practically applying it after each coaching session

    • What it looks like to acknowledge the client’s progress

    • Listen to a demo of best and worst way to facilitate client growth

  • Here you will put all your new coaching skills & ICF Core Competencies together acquired from semester 1 to conduct a professional & transformational coaching session at the PCC level. This proficiency will enable you to facilitate substantial breakthroughs and foster superior life changing results for your clients

    In this module you'll learn:

    • The flow and structure of a PCC level coaching session

    • How to form a clear Coaching Agreement with the client

    • The coaching skills that will evoke awareness and new growth for the client

    • How to co-create an action and accountability plan with the client

    • How to partner with the client when closing out the session

  • With creating new transformation for our clients, grief will usually closely follow behind.

    In this module you’ll:

    -Learn how to recognize our own triggers (as the coach) that may come up when dealing with a client’s grief

    -Understand acute stages of grief and how to navigate it with a client during a session from a coaching perspective

    -Know how to create a safe environment and hold space for our client’s to process grief that may come up

    -Learn how to outsource help from support professionals if the client’s grief makes the client uncoachable or at risk to harm themselves or others

    -Explore the different types of grief

  • It’s important to create safe & diverse spaces in our branding and coaching programs so your clients feel valued, respected, heard and included.

    In this module you’ll learn:

    -How to be more empathetic and create safe and inclusive spaces for our clients

    -The four different types of biases

    -Understanding and being aware of our own biases and prejudices that could affect client outcomes

    -Knowing what to do if you make a mistake and accidentally say something inappropriate or offensive

    -Key definitions that are common in the DEIB space

Semester 2: Building a Successful Coaching Business

  • Here we will begin building the foundation for your online coaching business to ensure it is properly structured. This will help reduce your personal exposure to debts, liabilities, lawsuits, and audits, and protect your personal assets, allowing you to run your business with peace of mind.

    In this module you'll learn:

    -Best Practices for Naming Your Business

    -Deciding on the Right Time for Trademarking Your Business Name

    -Differentiating Between a Sole Proprietorship and an LLC

    -Stressing the Significance of Separating Business and Personal Finances

    -Grasping the Basics of Small Business Insurance and Its Importance

    -Underlining the Value of Using Formal Coaching Contracts with Pro-Bono and Paying Clients

    -Investigating Business Resources to Set Up a Secure and Legally Compliant Online Coaching Business

  • There’s a very specific type of population out there that needs your unique energy, background & life experiences to best help them thrive in life.

    In this module you'll learn:

    -How to choose a title that accurately describes what type of coach you are

    -How to easily identify whom your unique niche and soul clients are that are waiting to hire you

    -How to create messaging and a tagline that clearly describes how you help your people

  • You can’t really help transform lives and make money unless you have something tangible to offer potential clients.

    In module 15 you’ll learn:

    -how to set up your signature coaching package by bundling your brilliant coaching gifts, talents and former trainings/certifications so that it’s ready to share with the public

    -How to be able to clearly articulate what is and isn't being offered within your coaching services to prospective clients so they know exactly what to expect from you

    -The breakdown of a sample coaching offer

    -Decide if you should start offering 1:1 coaching first or a different type of offer

    -How to focus on only one offer at a time in order to create the most traction

  • You’ll master our unique 7 step discovery call that you’ll use to easily guide an interested human into a high-end paying coaching client using sales skills that are tried and true… plus you’ll master objection handling in an empowering way that leaves behind the icky, sleazy, high-pressure tactics that no likes to be bothered with

    In module 16 you'll learn:

    • the importance of creating clear coaching agreements prior to starting the coaching relationship so your clients know what to expect from the coaching relationship

    • How to establish trust and safety with a potential client during the sales process because trust = #1 ingredient in sales

    • How to regulate your nervous system when objections arise so you can confidently navigate your potential clients through their greatest fears that might come up during the sales call

    • How to set up a discovery call process using the exact steps that Krista has used over the years to hire hundreds of private coaching clients

  • You’ll learn how to use our “Find Your First Paying Client Formula” that will teach you how to serve-to-sell by offering sample coaching sessions that turn into consultations. Your humans will experience your magical coaching making it a no-brainer to take the next steps towards hiring you as their personal life coach.

    In module 17 you'll learn:

    • Understand what a sample coaching session is and how it can turn into a consultation resulting in a paid coaching client

    • Learn how to serve to sell through offering sample coaching sessions as a form of powerful marketing for a coaching business

    • Demonstrate how to transition a sample coaching session into a sales consult

  • You'll establish an efficient onboarding process and preparing your documents to ensure a professional and organized welcome for your new clients. You’ll learn how to guide your clients seamlessly from the 'Hell Yeah' moment during the discovery call to being fully prepared and motivated to 'do the work' in their first coaching session with you

    In module 18 you'll learn:

    • What steps need to be completed prior to the client’s first session

    • How to create trust and safety within the on-boarding process

    • How to design a Big Picture Plan with the client so there is an overall coaching agreement in place for the client’s goals

  • It’s time to officially announce to the world that you're open for business and not remain the best-kept secret. In Module 19, we'll guide you through our intuitive marketing technique, empowering you to leverage social media and in-person networking spaces effectively. Learn how to create value-based content, engage with your audience, and confidently share your coaching offer so you can consistently hire new paying clients each month

    In module 19 you'll learn:

    • Two different types of marketing strategies that can result in forming relationships and creating potential clients

    • Understand why consistent marketing is one of the best ways to create a foundation of trust and safety with potential clients

    • How to design a simple intuitive marketing plan that prepares people to take action and be ready to hire you as their coach

  • We'll lead you through the process of identifying and articulating your core brand values and emotions. This foundational work will empower you to create a captivating online coaching presence. Through this process, you'll be able to design your logo, select fonts and colors for your website, all tailored to resonate directly with your ideal clients. This strategic approach will set you apart from other coaches, helping you stand out in your field

  • In this module, you'll discover the essential steps required to attain your ACC or PCC credentials post-graduation. Gain insights into what to expect and learn how to effectively prepare for the ICF credentialing exam

What’s included In the program: (Over $20,000 in value!)

  • ✨20 live training classes on zoom with Krista

  • ✨20 live skills labs on zoom with Krista

  • ✨10 ICF Mentor Coaching Hours with Krista

  • ✨Six Observed Coaching Sessions with Feedback from an ICF credentialed life coach

  • ✨21 Video Modules

  • ✨Coaching workbook & manual

  • ✨Peer coaching program

  • ✨Your own personal ICF credentialed life coach to support you personally and professionally

  • ✨ICF Credentialing Exam Prep

  • ✨ICF Performance Evaluation

  • ✨Private student chat for 24/7 support 

  • ✨All-inclusive weekend retreat at Sedona, Arizona 

  • ✨Lifetime coaching support after graduation via our private FB group & monthly group coaching sessions 

  • ✨Life Coach Starter Kit

  • ✨Lifetime access to the modules & training material  

  • ✨At graduation, BTCTA coach training certification and 146 coach training program hours for your ACC or PCC credentials 

    🎁 BONUSES 🎁

  • #1: Personalized Birth Chart Reading to learn more about your life purpose & business blueprint {$200 value}

  • #2: Attorney drafted 1:1 coaching contract to use with your clients {$397 value}

  • #3: Reiki Level 1 Certification {$597 value}

Rest assured… We have Everything You Need to become A Professional certified Coach

Life coach certification badge from an ICF accredited online program, symbolizing professional credibility

The Born to Coach® Training Academy is accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and is an “all inclusive” Level 2 training program with 146 student contact hours.

We offer start to finish coach training that’s in alignment with the ICF Code of Ethics and the Core Competencies.

Once completed you’ll have the education required to apply for either the Associate Certified Coach (ACC) credentials or Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credentials through the ICF website.

 What makes us different...

What Our Students Are Saying:


For a limited time only:

$14,000 USD ($1K savings!)

Payment Plan Options:

6 monthly payments of $2,500 USD


12 monthly payments of $1,250 USD

**We also offer long term financing options through Flexxbuy where you can get financing with interest rates as low as 4.99% and monthly payments as low as $200 USD/month.

Click the button below to get started. 👇🏻

 When Can I Start???

Program Start Date: Today

Once you enroll you have up to 12 months to finish the program at your own pace.

The Certification Program is online and all classes are hosted on the Zoom platform. 

There’s also an All-Inclusive Weekend retreat in Sedona, Arizona

Next Retreat Date: March 28th - 30th 2025

⏳We only accept 40 students into the BTCTA per year so don’t wait to enroll ⏳

 how to join?

Student engaging in an online life coach training program, preparing for ICF certification

Step 1

Click on any of the buttons on this page to get your tuition payment plan started - space is limited.

Student engaging in an online life coach training program, preparing for ICF certification

Step 2:

After your payment comes through you’ll receive a welcome email from our Born to Coach Team, instant course access and an invite to our private student Facebook group.

Student engaging in an online life coach training program, preparing for ICF certification

Step 3:


All your future clients are going to be thanking you for investing in one of the best coaching education programs in the world.

Questions about the program? Chat with an Experienced Trainer

More raving reviews from our students…

Plus You’ll be Backed by a 7-Day Money Back Guarantee!

We totally get that this is a BIG investment and maybe the first time you’ve ever invested in yourself on this level.

Here’s why you can place your confidence in our 7-Day Money Back Guarantee and set any enrollment nerves aside.

By the end of the 7 days you’ll have met the other students, attended the first Life Coach Training class & Coaching Skills Lab and reviewed Module 1 for the Born to Coach Training Academy giving you a good idea of what to expect for the course.

If you’re still not feeling confident that becoming a life coach is the right path for you then email us within 7 days after attending the first week of classes completing the first module and we will refund your investment minus the deposit.

*Check out the FAQS below for more details!


Frequently Asked Questions


+ In What Language is This Life Coach Certification Program Offered?


+ What Are the Prerequisites for Applying to This ICF Accredited Life Coach Certification Program

There are no formal education or training prerequisites needed to apply to this program. All experience levels are welcome. You will get everything you need to be a successful coach from your training.

+ Will This Coach Training Program Help Me Earn My ICF Credentials?

The Born to Coach® Training Academy is credentialed as a Level 2 PCC coach education program with the ICF, which means you will be eligible to earn your ICF credentials from the ICF website after graduating from the BTCTA! Before applying for your ICF credentials you'll need to have 100 coaching hours to earn your Associate Certified Coach (ACC) credentials or 500 coaching hours to earn your Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credentials,pass an ICF credentialing exam and pay a credentialing fee.

+ When and Where Are the Group Sessions for the ICF Accredited Life Coaching Programs Held?

The weekly live sessions are held in our online Zoom room. For semester 1 you'll attend 10 Life Coach Training Classes that are held on Mondays at 8 pm - 9 pm EST or Wednesdays at 12 pm - 1 pm EST. You do not have to attend both classes - one or the other. The 10 Coaching Skills lab, 3 ICF Mentoring Sessions and 1 Observed Coaching Calls will be held on Sundays from 12 pm - 2 pm EST. After you've completed semester 1 you'll move into Semester 2.

For semester 2 you'll attend 10 Business Building Classes that are held on Tuesdays at 8 pm - 9 pm EST or Thursdays at 12 pm - 1 pm EST. You do not have to attend both classes - one or the other. The 10 Business Skills Labs, 2 ICF Mentoring Sessions and 1 Observed Coaching Calls will be held on Saturdays from 12 pm - 2 pm EST.

You can check out our class schedule HERE!

+ What’s the weekly time commitment?

It depends on how quickly you want to graduate from the program. You have up to 12 months to complete the certification but if you would like to graduate within 6 months we recommend you set aside 5 hours per week to successfully graduate from this program: 3 hours each week for the live classes, 1 hour for homework, 1 hour for peer coaching.

+ What's included for the in-person retreat?

25 training hours count for the in-person retreat. The retreat will be located at the Sedona Conscious Living Center in Sedona, Arizona on Aug 30th - Sept 1st 2024. Everything is already paid for(3 nights of hotel accommodations, all meals, & all scheduled retreat activities) except your airline tickets and transportation to and from the airport. If you're not able to attend the upcoming retreat, you are welcome to attend a future retreat. Retreats will be held twice a year, date TBD.

+ What if I need to miss a training session?

You have up to 12 months to complete the certification meaning that you can decide when and how often you attend the classes each week. Upon enrollment you will receive our class calendar and a checklist that will tell you which classes you need to attend in order to successfully graduate from the BTCTA.

You can check out our class schedule HERE!

+ What is the investment and do you offer payment plans?

Yes we do! The full investment right now is $12,000 USD

Our interest-free payment plans:

6 monthly payments of $2,000 USD OR 12 monthly payments of $1,000 USD

We are committed to making coach training easily accessible for anyone who desires to help others and better your future. We understand that it takes financial resources in order to do this.

We are now offering long term financing options through Flexxbuy where you can get financing with a wide range of credit scores and interest rates as low as 4.99%.

+ What is the 7-Day Money Back Gurantee?

The 7-day money back guarantee is for clients who would like to withdraw from the program after attending classes and completing coursework for the first 7 days. 

The 7 days start when the Client attends his or her first life coaching training class in the first week after enrollment.

The 7-day money back guarantee requires the Client to be fully engaged in the program for 7 days, starting from attending the first live coach training class. 

In order to qualify for the 7-day money back guarantee the Client needs to: virtually attend 1 life coach training class and 1 coaching skills lab within the first 7 days after enrollment and complete module 1 (watching video, answering quiz questions and journal prompts). 

Within 7 days after the 7 days are completed and if the Client has met all the above requirements and would like to withdraw from the program the Client must email his or her trainer at hi@buildyourlifecoahcingbiz.com expressing the Client’s desire to utilize the 7-Day Money Back Guarantee Policy.

At that point the Client and trainer will attend a 30-minute Zoom call together to complete an exit interview. 

For Clients on a monthly payment plan: the Client will receive a refund for the first month's payment minus the enrollment deposit and the Paypal processing fees 2.9% + $0.30. 

For Clients who have paid in full: the Client will receive the full amount back minus the enrollment deposit and the Paypal processing fees 2.9% +$0.30. 

For Clients who chose to pay with financing through their lender, the full amount of the loan will be returned minus the enrollment deposit and the Paypal processing fees 2.9% +$0.30. It is the Client's responsibility to repay any and all financing used to fund the program.

+ Is this program only for people who want to be life coaches?

Nope! We use the term “life coach” for general purposes but you are welcome to call yourself & specialize in whatever area you desire. In this training we will help you to figure out what your unique niche is.

+ Is this only for spiritual white women?

No way! This training is open to all passionate human beings no matter what your race, belief system, culture, abilities or sexual orientation is. We want everyone to feel safe enough to show up as the fullest expression of themselves in this sacred space.

+ If I already went through a coach training program can I still apply to this training?

Yes! We encourage our students to be students for life as a way to continue improving and refining your coaching skillset. And with every coach training program you decide to invest in you will walk away with having more education, coaching & business skills & tools under your belt plus making new connections and like-minded friends.

+ What if I have a full time job, can I still do this training

Yes! Many of the students entering this training will already have a full or part time day job already. This is why we designed the program to be flexible and can be completed on your own timeline within the 12 months to accomodate other important life commitments.

+ How many students will be in the program?

We like to keep our classroom size intimate in order for our students to get the support they need each week to learn and grow as a coach. There will only be 20 new students accepted at this time.

+ What if I can’t make the in-person retreat in Sedona?

No worries, you will have the option to attend a future retreat so you can still receive credit for the training hours required to graduate. We run our retreats twice a year, dates TBD.

**+ What if I want private coaching? **

Check out our Find a Coach page where we list our highly qualified & credible coaches who have graduated from the Born to Coach Training Academy and are available to take on new clients.

You'll also receive monthly 1:1 life coaching sessions with an ICF accredited coach that's included in your Born to Coach Training Academy package so you can experience the life changing benefits of coaching first hand!

**+ Who do I contact if I have a question about the program? **

You can email Krista the owner & director at hi@buildyourlifecoachingbiz.com or schedule a Coach Training Consult