How to Run a Life Coaching Session

When I first started out as a life coach I thought I was supposed to tell me clients what to do in order to change their lives. I thought I had to be this perfect wise guru that could fix all of my client's problems.

Little did I know that by thinking and showing up this way inside my coaching sessions that I was actually keeping my clients stuck.

After going through a formal coach training program I learned how to stop taking responsibility for my client's problems and started to "coach the person and not the problem".

What happened after making this shift was my clients started trusting themselves more which gave them greater confidence and self-esteem. They also took ownership of their results and figured out new ways to solve challenging situations.

Coaching in this way felt better for me and for my clients resulting in them being happier and wanting to keep working with me.

In this episode I want to teach you how we train coaches inside the Born to Coach Training Academy to coach at the Professional Certified Coach level so you can make these big shifts in the way you help clients too!

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Become a Certified Life Coach: Enrollment is officially open for our BYLCB™ Level 2 PCC Coach Training Program. Click HERE to apply and save your spot for the fall 2022 class!

Join the Membership- Find Your First Paying Client: If you’re ready to get your coaching biz up and running, figure out who your niche is, and where to find your first client then you’re invited to join the “Find Your First Paying Client” membership today!

Join the Facebook Group: An inspiring place to receive more free content, training, and support with building your online life coaching business that gives you the flexibility, freedom, and impact you’re craving to create

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Buy My Book - Beyond the White Picket Fence: This book is designed for the woman who’s ready to break away from the soul sucking career, the toxic relationships, and everyday decisions that are keeping her trapped. She’ll learn how to create her own definition of freedom and design a life on her own terms…

Hey There! I’m Krista

A Retired Nurse Turned Professional Certified Life Coach, Spiritual Business Mentor, Hypnotherapist, World Traveler, Author & Mama to Lincoln.

I was born to be a coach and live a life beyond the white picket fence. I was never designed to struggle through a 9-5 job and sell my soul to the devil.

Now I work with heart-centered humans all over the world showing them how to become life coaches and start their own online businesses.

Hopefully one day I’ll get to work with you inside one of my coaching programs too. Because you deserve to have a life and career that brings you the ultimate freedom and flexibility so you can do the work you were born to do.


Krista Kathleen, PCC


How to Start a Life Coaching Business in 2023


How to Thrive in Life and Business as a Sensitive Introverted Empath