7 Natural Habits That Will Make You a Great Life Coach

Wondering if you have what it takes to make a great life coach??? 🤔

Here are 7 natural habits that will make you a great life coach: 👇🏻

Habit #1: Being a great listener

The International Coaching Federation recommends that coaches actively listen for around 80% of the time during a coaching session. This quiet space will allow the client to process their thoughts out loud giving them the opportunity to come up with deeper break throughs on their own.

Habit #2: Empathy

When clients hire coaches most of the time they have been through difficult life events and are looking for a coach who will understand what they've been through so they can support their vision. Bringing empathy into the coaching session will allow you to hold non-judgmental space for your clients to help them feel seen, heard and understood.

Habit #3: Being Curious

Are you a naturally curious person? Bringing curiosity into the coaching conversation is one of the highest serving habits you can give to your clients. Curiosity means asking a lot of open-ended questions and showing up from a place of not-knowing what is best for the client.

Habit #4: Acknowledgement

Being able to recognize the client's progress in the coaching session and acknowledge their hard work will make them feel good and encourage them to keep showing up in the way they already are.

Habit #5: Challenging People

If you love to naturally challenge people in order to help them accomplish new goals they never thought possible then you'll make a great life coach! Coaches love challenging their clients to help them step outside their comfort zone and try new things.

Habit #6: Sharing Resources

Do you enjoy telling people about new books, podcasts or videos you've just consumed that very helpful for you? Coaches will have opportunities to share their favorite resources with their clients to help them continue doing the work outside the coaching session.

Habit #7: Helping people live their best lives

Good coaches receive so much job from seeing others thrive in their own lives. If you truly love helping others get to a new place in life than you're going to make a great life coach!


lets dive deeper into each habit 👇🏽

Which habit listed above do you already naturally have???





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Hey There! I’m Krista

A Retired Nurse Turned Professional Certified Life Coach, Spiritual Business Mentor, Hypnotherapist, World Traveler, Author & Mama to Lincoln.

I was born to be a coach and live a life beyond the white picket fence. I was never designed to struggle through a 9-5 job and sell my soul to the devil.

Now I work with heart-centered humans all over the world showing them how to become life coaches and start their own online businesses.

Hopefully one day I’ll get to work with you inside one of my coaching programs too. Because you deserve to have a life and career that brings you the ultimate freedom and flexibility so you can do the work you were born to do.


Krista Kathleen, PCC


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