Overcome Imposter Syndrome and grow your life coaching business

If you've ever felt afraid that your life coaching clients are going to find out that you're a "fraud", and their going to ask for all their money back after they've already paid you...you're not alone!

This was one of my biggest fears when I started out as a new life coach back in 2016.

Even though I was highly qualified to be a professional coach (I went through 2 ICF accredited coach training programs, earned 2 ICF credentials and coached hundreds of clients) I still felt like I wasn't qualified enough to be someone's personal life coach.

This cognitive distortion is known as "imposter syndrome".

What is imposter syndrome?

"Imposter syndrome is the condition of feeling anxious and not experiencing success internally, despite being high-performing in external, objective ways. This condition often results in people feeling like "a fraud" or "a phony" and doubting their abilities."


Imposter syndrome is something we need to take seriously because it can do real damage in our lives.

It sucks out the joy of success no matter how hard we work to earn it.

It can sabotage all our goals causing us to give up on our dream of creating a successful coaching career.

To put it plainly -it's just not a very fun way to build a life coaching business each week.

In the video below I'll teach you some simple strategies on how to work through the imposter syndrome when it decides to rear it's ugly head so it doesn't get in your way of helping clients and making money.

Just remember that imposter syndrome affects everyone so you're not alone!

You can overcome this feeling. <3






Become a Certified Life Coach: Enrollment is officially open for our Level 2 PCC Born to Coach® Training Academy. Click HERE to book your Coach Training Consult so you can learn how to coach at the professional level and earn your ICF credentials.

Build Your Life Coaching Biz in 7 Days Course: With this self-paced online course and resource toolkit, you’re equipped with everything you need to officially establish your life coaching business and open your doors to an eager waiting list of high value clients.

Mentor with Krista for 6 Months: If you’re ready for personalized hands on support with getting your life coaching up and running using my proven methods so you can be serving humanity and making money doing what you love then book a consult with Krista

Download my FREEBIE - The Ultimate “Get Started” Checklist for New Life Coaches

Buy My Book - Beyond the White Picket Fence: This book is designed for the woman who’s ready to break away from the soul sucking career, the toxic relationships, and everyday decisions that are keeping her trapped. She’ll learn how to create her own definition of freedom and design a life on her own terms…

Hey There! I’m Krista

A Retired Nurse Turned Professional Certified Life Coach, Spiritual Business Mentor, Hypnotherapist, World Traveler, Author & Mama to Lincoln.

I was born to be a coach and live a life beyond the white picket fence. I was never designed to struggle through a 9-5 job and sell my soul to the devil.

Now I work with heart-centered humans all over the world showing them how to become life coaches and start their own online businesses.

Hopefully one day I’ll get to work with you inside one of my coaching programs too. Because you deserve to have a life and career that brings you the ultimate freedom and flexibility so you can do the work you were born to do.


Krista Kathleen, PCC


10 Signs You Will Make A Successful Life Coach


Are you READY to charge for your coaching? Let’s find out!