How to Get 5 New Life Coaching Clients in 30 days EASY!

There are clients out there who are waiting to hire you as their personal life coach and I want to help you to find them!

As a professional coach over the past 8 years, I've learned so many amazing simple strategies that easily call in aligned clients who are ready to work with you and I want to share some of those ideas with you today.

Here are 5 easy ways to get new coaching clients in the next 30 days:

#1 Gift complimentary coaching sessions

Show people how transformative coaching can be and give them a small taste of what it's like to work with you as their personal coach so you leave them feeling: "Wow this is incredible and I want more of this...How can we work together on a deeper level?!"

#2 Tell people you're a life coach.

Yes it can really be that simple and easy.

Here's a script you can use:
"Hi, I'm a life coach and I help people get through road blocks in their life so they can achieve their biggest life goals. I am gifting complimentary sessions at this time, would you be open to having a session with me?"

#3 Hand out business cards

Keep a few business cards on you at all times because clients are everywhere: the grocery store, on the airplane, sitting on the bench next to you at the playground. You can also put a QR scan code on your card so people can sign up for a complimentary coaching session with you.

#4 Hang out with your ideal client.

You are your own best version of your ideal client so think about where you would like hang out on the weekend... coffee shop? hot sweaty yoga class? hiking with your dog? breath work and meditation workshop? Step outside your comfort zone and start putting yourself in places where like-minded people are going to hang out and strike up conversations with new people telling them you're a life coach and handing out your business cards!

#5 Create content and invite people to work with you

Set a goal and decide how ofter you want to create valuable content each month and on which platform. Pick juicy topics that will address your ideal client's most burning questions and biggest concerns. Throughout the content be bold and invite people to take the next step and work with you as their coach.

Check out the short video below where I expand on each strategy 👇🏻

What strategies are you dying to try this month? Let us know below






Become a Certified Life Coach: Enrollment is officially open for our Level 2 PCC Born to Coach® Training Academy. Click HERE to book your Coach Training Consult so you can learn how to coach at the professional level and earn your ICF credentials.

Build Your Life Coaching Biz in 7 Days Course: With this self-paced online course and resource toolkit, you’re equipped with everything you need to officially establish your life coaching business and open your doors to an eager waiting list of high value clients.

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Buy My Book - Beyond the White Picket Fence: This book is designed for the woman who’s ready to break away from the soul sucking career, the toxic relationships, and everyday decisions that are keeping her trapped. She’ll learn how to create her own definition of freedom and design a life on her own terms…

Hey There! I’m Krista

A Retired Nurse Turned Professional Certified Life Coach, Spiritual Business Mentor, Hypnotherapist, World Traveler, Author & Mama to Lincoln.

I was born to be a coach and live a life beyond the white picket fence. I was never designed to struggle through a 9-5 job and sell my soul to the devil.

Now I work with heart-centered humans all over the world showing them how to become life coaches and start their own online businesses.

Hopefully one day I’ll get to work with you inside one of my coaching programs too. Because you deserve to have a life and career that brings you the ultimate freedom and flexibility so you can do the work you were born to do.


Krista Kathleen, PCC


Living the life I designed for myself as a Life Coach (plus tips for you)


10 Signs You Will Make A Successful Life Coach